The determinants of economic opportunity and intergenerational mobility are cross-cutting. This conference brought together scholars with different perspectives on economic mobility, focusing specifically on its intersections with education, housing, and labor markets.
The conference was held at Opportunity Insights’ (OI) offices in Cambridge, MA on November 30th and December 1st. An excellent opportunity for both junior and senior scholars to share their research (early- or later-stage), the audience included faculty affiliates and research associates of OI, as well as other members of the Harvard social science community. Jamie Fogel, Matthew Staiger, Michael Stepner, and Winnie van Dijk organized the conference. Attendance at the conference was by invitation only and primarily intended for academics. For any questions, please contact Matthew Staiger at [email protected].
Thursday, 11/30/2023
- Something Works: Misconduct and Recidivism Effects of the IGNITE Program
Presented by: Peter Hull, Brown University
Co-Authors: Marcella Alsan, Arkey Barnett, and Crystal Yang
- Does Unconditional Cash during Pregnancy Affect Infant Health?
Presented by: Krista Ruffini, Assistant Professor of Public Policy (Georgetown University)
- Confidence and College Applications: Evidence from a Randomized Intervention
Presented by: Camille Terrier, Assistant Professor of Economics (Queen Mary University London)
Co-Authors: Rustamdjan Hakimov and Renke Schmacker
- Intergenerational Mobility and Credit
Presented by: Carter Braxton, Assistant Professor (University of Wisconsin – Madison)
Co-Authors: Nisha Chikhale, Kyle Herkenhoff, and Gordon Phillips
- Financial Frictions and Human Capital Investments
Presented by: Menaka Hampole, Assistant Professor (Yale School of Management)
- Immigration and Inequality in the Next Generation
Presented by: Mark Borgschulte, Assistant Professor (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Co-Authors: Heepyung Cho, Darren Lubotsky, and Jonathan Rothbaum
Friday, 12/1/2023
- Inequality in Science
Presented by: Petra Moser, Professor of Economics (NYU Stern)
Co-Authors: Anna Airoldi
- Affirmative action and demand for schooling: evidence from nationwide policies
Presented by: Ursula Mello, Assistant Professor (Insper – Institute of Education and Research)
Co-Authors: Ana Paula Melo
- Quota vs Quality? Long-Term Gains from an Unusual Gender Quota
Presented by: Ursina Schaede, Assistant Professor (Tufts University)
Co-Authors: Ville Mankki
- Panel Discussion on Economic Opportunity and Higher Education featuring:
Zachary Bleemer, Assistant Professor of Economics (Princeton University)
Susan Dynarski, Patricia Albjerg Graham Professor of Education (Harvard University)
John Friedman, Professor of Economics and International and Public Affairs (Brown University)
- A Discrimination Report Card
Presented by: Evan Rose, Assistant Professor (University of Chicago)
Co-Authors: Patrick Kline and Christopher R. Walters
- Work Organization and High-Paying Jobs
Presented by: Nathan Wilmers, Associate Professor (MIT)
Co-Authors: Dylan Nelson and Letian, Zhang
- Local Effects of Bypassing Zoning Regulations in High-Income Areas
Presented by: Hector Blanco, Assistant Professor (Rutgers)
Co-Authors: Noémie Sportiche
- Neighborhood Effects: Evidence from Wartime Destruction in London
Presented by: Stephen Redding, Professor of Economics (Princeton University)
Co-Authors: Daniel M. Sturm
The program for the 2022 conference can be found here.