2024 Conference on Economic Mobility
July 15, 2024
Opportunity Insights

We are excited to announce that Opportunity Insights is hosting its third annual conference to discuss research broadly related to economic opportunity. The determinants of economic opportunity and intergenerational mobility cut across many areas within economics and we seek to bring together scholars with different perspectives on these issues. The conference will feature opening remarks from Raj Chetty and a Keynote talk from Henrik Kleven. The program for last year’s conference can be found here.

To be considered, please submit a paper or an extended abstract by August 30th. We welcome any submissions related to economic opportunity. The conference will be held at our offices in Cambridge, MA on November 21 – 22. The audience will include faculty affiliates and research associates of Opportunity Insights as well as other members of the Harvard social science community. Opportunity Insights will cover the cost of travel and accommodations for the presenters of accepted papers. Jamie Fogel and Matthew Staiger are organizing the conference. For any questions, please contact Matthew at [email protected].


Henrik Kleven is the Lynn Bendheim Thoman, Class of 1977, and Robert Bendheim, Class of 1937, Professor of Economics and Public Affairs at Princeton University. He is appointed jointly by the Department of Economics and the School of Public and International Affairs. Previously, he has held positions at the London School of Economics and the University of Copenhagen. He received his PhD from the University of Copenhagen in 2003. He has served as Co-Editor of the American Economic Review and Chief Editor of the Journal of Public Economics. He is a Research Associate at the NBER.

His research focuses on questions in public economics, labor economics, and inequality. This includes research on the effects and optimal design of public policies (such as tax policy, welfare, and family policy) as well as research on gender inequality in the labor market. His work has been published in the leading academic journals of economics. It is regularly cited in top media outlets, and it has influenced policy making in several countries.