Assistant Director of Administration
Samantha Webb is the Assistant Director of Administration at Opportunity Insights. Prior to joining the team, she wore two hats at the Department of Economics at Harvard University as Training Coordinator and provided administrative
Samantha’s past positions include Communications Specialist and Public Affairs Officer in the Ministry of Works and Transport, Trinidad and Tobago; Program Coordinator and Client Members Relations officer at NTL Behavioral Science Institute, Virginia; International Training and Education Center for Health Apprentice at the University of Washington, Seattle, and Research Assistant at two consultancy firms in Trinidad and Washington, DC.
Samantha completed her MBA with a specialization in Marketing from Anglia Ruskin University and her BSc. at Marymount College of Fordham University in International Business. Samantha also lectures part-time online in marketing at Sagicor Cave Hill School of Business & Management, The University of the West Indies.